University of Warsaw Honorary Doctorate Degrees

In 1921, the University of Warsaw awarded Marshall Józef Piłsudski with the honoris causa degree. Since then, Ludwik de Broglie, Jaroslav Heyrovsky, Fryderyk Joliot-Curie, Cecil Frank Powell, Niels Bohr, Riccardo Giacconi, Shuji Nakamura, as well as a laureate of the ACM Turing Award, Charles Antony Richard Hoare, have received an honorary degree from UW.


Doctors Honoris Causa of the University of Warsaw (since 2001)

23rd April 2024 – François Englert

Doctor Honoris Causa on Prof. François Englert


8th April 2024 – Dieter Vollhardt

Doctor Honoris Causa title upon Prof. Dieter Vollhardt


5th December 2023 – Freiherr Claus von Carnap-Bornheim

Honorary doctorate for the European archaeologist


13th November 2023 – Hideo Ohno

Japanese physicist awarded with the UW honorary degree


23rd February 2022 – Olga Tokarczuk

Olga Tokarczuk with the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Warsaw


16th February 2022 – Andrzej Koźmiński

DHC for Professor Andrzej Koźmiński


8th December 2021 – Jacek Klinowski

Prof. Jacek Klinowski with the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Warsaw


16th January 2019 – Janusz Jurczak

Honorary degree for Prof. Jurczak


14th March 2018 – Sergei Kovalyov

Sergei Kovalyov with an honorary degree of UW

10th May 2017 – Shuji Nakamura

Honorary degree for Prof. Shuji Nakamura


26th September 2016 – Maciej Lewenstein

Honorary degree for physicist


24th June 2016 – Ewa Łętowska

Honorary degree for Prof. Łętowska


8th June 2016 – Elhanan Helpman

Honorary degree for economist


9th March 2015 – Andrzej Białynicki-Birula

5th November 2014 – Alain Besançon

Honorary Degree for a French historian


6th November 2013 – Michael Martinek

29th October 2013 – Andrzej Białas

21st March 2013 – Oded Stark

27th February 2013 – Michael G. Müller

28th November 2012 – Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare

13th July 2012 – Henryk Skarżyński

25th June 2012 – Elie Wiesel

5th June 2012 – Jurij D. Apresjan

11th January 2012 – Hans Hauben

30th November 2011 – Szewach Weiss

15th November 2011 – Aaron Ciechanover

22nd June 2011 – Stanisław Waltoś

14th January 2011 – Theodor Meron

30th June 2010 – Richard Pipes

18th June 2010 – Antony Polonsky

18th June 2010 – Maria Rostworowski de Diez Canseco

20th May 2010 – Horacio Cerutti-Guldberg

7th May 2010 – Ivan Čolović

15th May 2009 – Francisco J. Ayala

24th November 2008 – Gerd Meyer

17th June 2008 – Eckart Hien

6th March 2008 – Leszek Balcerowicz

31st July 2007 – William G. Dwyer

27th July 2007 – Oskar Anweiler

28th March 2007 – Norman Davies

3rd April 2006 – Anna Wierzbicka

26th October 2005 – Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt

29th August 2005 – Sir Roger Penrose

25th May 2005 – Andrzej Wajda

21st October 2004 – Václav Havel

10th March 2004 – Abp Desmond Tutu

3rd March 2004 – Alasdair Smith

14th November 2003 – Siegmar von Schnurbein

7th November 2003 – Luciano Maiani

12th June 2003 – Tadeusz Mazowiecki

28th May 2003 – Eugenio Barba

16th May 2003 – Marcus Lutter

22nd November 2002 – Władysław Bartoszewski

30th October 2002 – Mieczysław Porębski

14th October 2002 – Jacek Furdyna

16th May 2002 – Dmytro Pawłyczko

5th December 2001– Ihor Ševčenko

15th November 2001 – Jan Nowak-Jeziorański

4th April 2001 – Tadeusz Różewicz

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