The University of Warsaw is one of 9 European universities discussed in the “The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems” report regarding university activities for development of innovation ecosystems. The publication was released by the European University Association. UW is a member of this organization.

The report is a response to a question about the role of universities in a changing world and how they could develop and enhance innovation ecosystems in regions. The publication is an in-depth case study of 9 European universities: University of Warsaw, Poland; Aalto University, Finland; Masaryk University, the Czech Republic; Sorbonne University, France; Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands; Technical University of Munich, Germany; University of Manchester, United Kingdom; University of Minho, Portugal; and Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.


The report pays a lot of attention to project-based learning. The University of Warsaw Faculty of Physics was mentioned as an example: “The Faculty of Physics organises challenge projects in order to unleash creative potential and promote independent problem-solving skills. Students have to come up with a problem to solve, find a tutor and the means to solve the problem themselves, all in a challenging but safe environment. Feed-back shows that, for students, it is very important to feel that they are the actors of the creative process.”


The publication also discusses the importance of infrastructure development of universities in the context of strengthening innovation: “The University of Warsaw has been paying strategic attention to its infrastructural development as a vital contribution of its innovation ecosystem, recognising the importance of social dynamics on campus life and of the power of architecture in facilitating such dynamics.”


The publication was released by the European University Association, to which UW belongs. EUA comprises over 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a key role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation.


In the February European Learning & Teaching Forum entitled “Towards successful learning: Controversies and common ground” was held at the University of Warsaw.


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Text of the report