Under the SUNERGY pan-European initiative, the SUNER-C project has been granted funding of four million euro to accelerate innovation on solar fuels and chemicals, and to support transition towards a fossil-free EU economy.

The project called “SUNERGY Community and eco-system for accelerating the development of solar fuels and chemicals” (SUNER-C) has been funded four million euro for three years to accelerate innovation in the sector of solar fuels and chemicals within Europe.


The overarching objective of the SUNER-C project is to create an inclusive innovation community and ecosystem that build on the current SUNERGY network, as well as involve new stakeholders across Europe. Bringing together fundamental and applied knowledge from various sectors of the society and often unique resources, the enhanced community will prepare a large-scale European joint action.


The SUNER-C goals include:


  • overcoming scientific, technological, organisational and socio-economic challenges,
  • accelerating innovation in solar fuels and chemicals,
  • enabling the transition of existing and future technologies from laboratory and demonstrator level to industrial-scale application.


The SUNER-C consortium will also work on the development of a strategic roadmap towards the broad implementation of solar fuels and chemicals, with supporting strategies for innovation and exploitation, with a firm focus on cross-cutting and socio-technical aspects.


The consortium comprises 31 academic institutions, 13 industrial companies, 4 network organisations and federations, and 1 NGO to provide a large diversity of partners, expertise, fields and representatives of all the EU regions. The University of Warsaw is represented by Professor Joanna Kargul of the Centre of New Technologies.