In the winter semester 2022/2023, online courses organised by 4EU+ member universities will be available for students. The registration for Heidelberg University and Charles University courses is open now.

In the winter semester 2022/2023, five 4EU+ Alliance member universities (the University of Warsaw, Charles University, Sorbonne University, Heidelberg University and the University of Milan) will make their online courses available to all 4EU+ students. A new member of the Alliance, the University of Geneva, also made its offer.


Courses at Sorbonne University

The course catalogues will be published gradually according to the academic calendars of each institution. Sorbonne University is the first to open the registration for students. There are four courses to choose from:

  • Green Label I (in French, for BA, 2nd year students) – registration was open until the end of July;
  • Green Label II (in French, for BA, 3rd year students) – registration was open until the end of July;
  • Structural and Mechanistic Enzymology (in French and English, for MA, 2nd year students) – registration was open until 10th September;
  • Strategic Management and Intrapreneurship (in English, for BA, 3rd year students) – registration was open until 11th September.

Course catalogue and information on enrolment procedures offered by Sorbonne University are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>


Courses at the University of Milan

The University of Milan offers 28 courses, e.g. International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Gender Justice, Women in tech: new frontiers of gender-related rights and artificial intelligence, Molecular Bases of Taste. The full list of available courses can be found on the  4EU+ website >>

Registration was open until 15th or 22nd September (depending on the Faculty).


Courses at Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University offers 23 courses, e.g. Translation in research and professional practice, U.S. Economic Policy or Introduction to Psycholinguistics. The full list of available courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>


Registration is open until 2nd October.


Courses at the University of Geneva

4EU+ students can take two online courses offered by the University of Geneva: Chemical Biology and Introduction to Programming.


The classes start on 19th September. Registration was open until 14th September. UW students interested in enrolling in the University of Geneva courses should contact their local 4EU+ office: 4euplus.mobility(at)


More information can be found on the University of Geneva website >>


Courses at Charles University

Charles University offers 74 courses, including Applied Histology, Literature for Children and Youth and Quality in Education, among others. The courses are aimed at students or doctoral candidates. The full list of courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>


Registration is open until 30th September.


Courses at the University of Warsaw

Students from other 4EU+ universities can take classes organised by the UW. The University has prepared 21 courses, including: Virtual exchange: project work, Medicinal Plants or Bilingulaism and Multilingualism. The classes are aimed at students or doctoral candidates. The full list of courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>


Registration periods: 12th–25th September and 3rd–9th October.


Course catalogues, information on enrolment procedures and schedules of courses offered by 4EU+ universities are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>