In the fourth edition of the call for 4EU+ mini-grants, Charles University selected 22 projects submitted by the member institutions. The researchers from the University of Warsaw take part in 19 projects.
Charles University supports the research cooperation within the 4EU+ Alliance by the so-called mini-grants. Teams from the member institutions, receive seed funding for their projects.
Projects are conducted within the 4EU+ flagships:
- Health and demographic change in an urban environment;
- Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages;
- Transforming science and society: Advancing information, computation and communication;
- Biodiversity and sustainable development.

Each team consists of a representative of Charles University and two or more representatives from other partners within the 4EU+ Alliance. The teams are encouraged to develop sustainable cooperation and submit joint proposals for further external funding.
The maximum amount to apply for is CZK 300,000 (approx. PLN 57,000). The allocated funds may be used to support research projects, including research itself, travel expenses, organising conferences and/ or workshops and preparatory project meetings, to support exchanges of doctoral candidates or post-docs, short-term stays within research teams, creation of common materials to enhance virtual mobility, or to support persons engaged in the preparation of the respective projects.
22 proposals have been selected to receive seed funding. 19 out of 22 projects have their teams comprising researchers from the University of Warsaw:
- Synthesis of gold nanoparticles with conjugated flavonoids for antioxidant, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases;
- Regulation of tumour cell motility by semaphorins and possibilities of its pharmacological inhibition;
- Compatibility of Curricula in Geography and Geosciences;
- Dual Antiplatelet Therapy For Shock Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction – DAPT-SHOCK-AMI study;
- Combating antimicrobial resistance using rational drug design and development: in silico, in vitro, in vivo;
- Mindfulness interventions in European schools: impact and experience in comparative perspective;
- European speech language therapy (logopedia) – a space for mutual inspiration, research and help for people with communication disorders.;
- Co-Teaching and Beginner Teachers of Foreign Languages;
- Educating bilingual children with language attrition and children of foreigners: Differences in approach;
- The Iron Curtain Revisited. The East-West Scientific Cooperation (in Social Sciences and Humanities) during the Cold War;
- From Silence to Resilience: Strengthening institutional communication in the age of misinformation;
- European perspective on Literature, Culture, Language and Certification;
- “Plurality of Memories in Europe in a Global Perspective”;
- Single cells – from the lab to data analysis (Immunotherapy);
- Correlative approach to understanding the role of actin nucleator ARP2/3 complex in peroxisomes structure and function in plant cells;
- Research Meets Practice: Visual Communication and PR in Cultural Institutions;
- Farmland abandonment in Europe: establishment of network, testing novel data sets and methods to monitor the patterns and evaluate its drivers;
- Monitoring diversity of microbial dark matter in expanding anoxic zones.
The project list directory is available on the 4EU+ website >>