On 23rd May, the University of Warsaw hosted a lecture of Prof. Ralph Nurnberger, a widely acclaimed expert on international affairs, who held various positions in the U.S. Congress.

Prof. Ralph Nurnberger is an esteemed expert on international affairs. He taught (as an adjunct) at Georgetown University for 38 years as well as at Florida Atlantic University in Boca and Jupiter for over a dozen years. He received the “Excellence in Teaching” award from the Georgetown Graduate School of Liberal Studies.


In addition to his academic career, Prof. Nurnberger previously served as Foreign Policy Assistant to former United States Senator James B. Pearson and then as a professional staff member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


He was the first director of “Builders for Peace”, an organization established in 1993, with the encouragement of then-Vice President Al Gore, to support the Middle East Peace process through economic and social development.


The lecture of Prof. Ralph Nurnberger entitled “The American elections – what can we expect?” was  held on 23rd May at 2 pm in the Ball Room of the Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace at Krakowskie Przedmieście 32.