Members of the Electoral College have chosen four candidates for rector of the University of Warsaw. On 20th April it will be clear who will be managing the University in 2016-2020.


The first meeting of the Electoral College took place on 9th March at the University of Warsaw. Electors could nominate two candidates in the indication vote. Those candidates, who received 10% of the votes have the possibility to stand for election.


Results of indication vote:

  • Marcin Pałys – 171
  • Alojzy Nowak – 125
  • Jolanta Choińska-Mika – 65
  • Leszek Kolankiewicz – 61


Nominated professors have to submit written consent within three days of the announcement. On 22nd March at 16.00 in the Auditorium Maximum candidates will take part in the general election debate. They will present their electoral programmes, ideas and visions of the University.


The Electoral College consists of representatives of each group of the academic community, elected at faculties and in constituencies. In this year 364 electors are eligible for voting.


The University Electoral Commission is responsible for conducting the UW election.