On 23rd May, the University of Warsaw hosted a lecture of Prof. Ralph Nurnberger, an American expert on international affairs. In his speech, Prof. Nurnberger raised the issue of this year’s United States elections.

Prof. Ralph Nurnberger is an esteemed expert on international affairs, who held various positions in the U.S. Congress. His lecture “The American elections – what can we expect?” at the UW was held on 23rd May in the Tyszkiewicz-Potocki Palace.


“I would like to welcome Prof. Nurnberger at the University of Warsaw. We have been awaiting you for a long time. Prof. Nurnberger was an advisor to U.S. presidents, and primarily to the Vice-President Al Gore. He has been professor at Georgetown University, a place where many diplomats are educated. Some of them also visited the University of Warsaw. We are extremely pleased to have a chance to listen to you and enrich our knowledge concerning the United States elections,” Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector, said.


In his lecture, Prof. Ralph Nurnberger presented the most important facts regarding this year’s presidential and Congress elections. He explained interestingly to the audience the election rules and characterised main candidates running for the office of the President of the United States. Prof. Nurnberger also highlighted the historical background of the electoral system and modern challenges to the American democracy, such as gerrymandering and political campaign financing. Furthermore, the researcher referred to the history of the Polish and American parliamentarism, emphasising the great importance of the first Polish Constitution from 1791.


The lecture was followed by a Q&A session. “I am truly amazed with your questions. They are really well thought-out and they show how much you know about American politics,” Prof. Nurnberger emphasised.