One of the greatest Polish lawyers – Professor Ewa Łętowska received a honoris causa degree of the University of Warsaw. The ceremony took place on 24th June.


Prof. Ewa Łętowska is a specialist in civil law, constitutional law, administrative law and the human rights. She graduated from the University of Warsaw in 1962. Currently, she is associated with the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Science, the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Academy of Comparative Law, Paris.


The laudation was delivered by Prof. Marek Safjan, the judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union. He said that Prof. Łętowska has a rare ability to interpret the law, its real sense.


Prof. Łętowska has written more than 500 publications – books and articles. Scholar was actively participated in the public sphere occupying numerous positions. In 1987, Prof. Łętowska became the first Polish parliamentary ombudsman. This position she held up until 1992. Then she became a Supreme Court judge until 2002. In the same year Prof. Łętowska was appointed a judge of the Constitutional Tribunal. Her term lasted 9 years.


In the review Prof. Johannes Masing from the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg wrote: – Prof. Łętowska has been a personification of the struggle for democracy and law and order in Europe – on the one hand she is connected to her own history and culture and on the other hand she is a supporter of united Europe.


She was a lecturer at the Paris’ Panthéon-Sorbonne University and a member of many institutions, among others, the Helsinki Committee, the International Human Rights Council, the Carter Center or the European Foundation of Human Rights.