A functional hall of residence, a modern sports space, a recreational garden on the roof, a canteen with a vegan food offer. These are just a selection of the facilities available to the University of Warsaw students.

At the UW, measures are systematically taken to create comfortable conditions for studying and working. Taking into account students’ needs, new faculty buildings, halls of residence and sports spaces are being constructed or existing ones are being modernised. These measures are consulted with students, who provide their opinions and suggestions. The new or revitalised spaces are not only comfortable and functional lecture theatres and modern interiors, but also places where students can study together or spend their free time. All buildings are fully accessible for people with disabilities and include environmentally friendly solutions.


In 2022, the construction of the building at Dobra 55 in Warsaw’s Powiśle district was completed – a modern space for education and research in modern languages and linguistics. On the roof of the building, there is a garden where students can relax among the greenery after classes. For several years, students and employees of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies have been using the revitalised Auditorium Building on the Krakowskie Przedmieście campus. Students of exact and natural sciences can study in modern edifices, including the Faculty of Physics, the Centre of New Technologies and the Biological and Chemical Research Centre.


It is also already possible to use the Post-Rector’s Building, which enables the development of education and research in oriental studies as well as cultural and artistic sciences. Soon, other investments will be added to those already completed: a research and teaching building on the Ochota campus and a new halls of residence in Służew.


The UW is also developing outside Warsaw. One example is the modern European Centre for Geological Education (PL: ECEG) in Chęciny. The facility is located in the picturesque Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The ECEG provides access to the most modern research technologies, which makes it possible for students and university employees from all over the world to implement programmes and carry out research.


Comfortable and functional

The Hall of Residence No. 7 is located between Sulimy and Puławska streets in Warsaw. The first residents will move in from the new academic year. The building has been designed with 130 rooms, intended for 380 students and doctoral candidates, including persons from abroad studying and working at the university.


The other UW halls of residence are also available. They are located on streets: Żwirki i Wigury (DS No. 1 and DS No. 2), Kickiego (DS No. 3), Zamenhofa (DS No. 4 ), Smyczkowa (DS No. 5), Radomska (DS No. 6). In total, more than 2,200 places are accessible for students. Information on the possibility of receiving a place in a hall of residence can be found on the website of the UW’s Student Welfare and Support Office>>

For physical activity

Swimming, rock climbing, football, judo – these are just some of the disciplines available to practice at the new UW’s Sports Centre to be built in Warsaw’s Ochota district. The building will be twice the size of the existing UW sports centre located on Banacha. Construction work is scheduled to start in 2025. The new building will host sports classes for students, as well as doctoral candidates and university employees organised by the UW’s Physical Education and Sports Center. They are currently held in several locations including the current building of the Sports Centre, the space in the basement of the University of Warsaw’s Library in Powiśle and on Karowa. The UW sports offer is available on the website of the UW’s Physical Education and Sports Center >>

Tasty and healthy

The university canteen is located on the main campus, at the entrance gate from Oboźna, next to the building of the Faculty of Polish Studies. From September to June, the canteen offers a subscription lunch or a choice of dishes from the current menu, which also includes a vegan dish daily. Meals can also be purchased to take away.

More information is available on the website of the UW’s Office for Personnel Social Benefits>>