At the meeting on 5th March, the UW Senate elected a new composition of the University Council. It will include Prof. Mirosław Ząbek, Robert Dobrzycki, Prof. Roman Kapuscinski and Prof. Marek Karliner. An ex-officio member of the University Council is Mateusz Mossakowski, president of the UW Students’ Union Board.
The University Council is a university body introduced by the Law on Higher Education and Science. Its tasks include giving an opinion on the university’s draft statutes and strategy and the report on its implementation, monitoring the financial management and governance of the university, and identifying candidates for the rector. The term of office of the University Council is four years.
Members of the University Council for the 2025-2028 term:
- Mirosław Ząbek, MD, PhD (chairman of the council) – specialist in neurosurgery and neurotraumatology, head of the Department of Neurological Surgery at the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education at the Bródno Hospital, national consultant in neurosurgery for many years. He has performed almost 3,000 operations on brain aneurysms; author or co-author of more than 170 publications in the field of medicine, including books, review papers and textbooks; he has been a member of scientific societies, and twice served as president of the Warsaw branch of the Polish Society of Neurosurgeons;
- Robert Dobrzycki – graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw. He obtained the FRICS title – member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors; since 1999, he has been involved in the real estate industry. In 2005 he became the founder of Panattoni Europe. In March 2024, the Robert Dobrzycki Foundation was established, whose mission is social development and promotion of Poland and Polish entrepreneurship on the international arena.
- Roman Kapuscinski – an expert in management dealing with, among others, issues related to supply chain management; he completed his doctoral studies in the field of production and operational systems, and obtained his master’s degree in industrial administration at Carnegie Mellon University. Six papers that he wrote with his students have been finalists or winners in various research paper competitions. He has received the “Teaching Excellence Award” three times from students at the Ross School of Business. He has had research collaborations with many companies and has advised on numerous MBA and Tauber projects;
- Marek Karliner – is a physicist, specialist in particle physics, foreign member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. From 2003 to 2005 he was a visiting professor at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge. Since 2015, he has been Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Tel Aviv University, and is a member of the International Review Committee established in 2019 to review the research activities of the BESIII experimental collaboration at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing. As of 1 January 2025, he is chairman of the Israeli Committee on High Energy Physics and Israel’s representative on the CERN Supervisory Board.
- Mateusz Mossakowski – President of the UW Students’ Union Board, student at the Faculty of Law and Administration.
The University Council operates on the basis of the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science, the Statutes of the University of Warsaw and the Regulations of the University Council. In accordance with the Act, six or eight persons may be members of the University Council and – ex officio – the President of the Students’ Union. At least 50% of the composition of the University Council must be made up of persons from outside the University. The members of the Council of a higher education institution are elected by the Senate by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of members, from among candidates proposed by members of the Senate. The Chair of the Council of the University shall be a member from outside the University community, elected by the Senate by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the statutory number of its members.