Sorbonne University hosted the 2019 Annual Meeting of the 4EU+ Alliance in which representatives of six universities: the University of Warsaw, Charles University, Sorbonne University, University of Heidelberg, University of Copenhagen, and the University of Milan took part. During the two-day meeting, members of the 4EU+ community reviewed the first milestones achieved and discussed future collaboration.
Bringing together the Rectors, Steering Committee, Vice-Rectors of Education and Research and the representatives of Flagships and 4EU+ Working Groups across the six member universities, the 2019 Annual Meeting covered the achievements of the Alliance. The participants also discussed the future goals, including the implementation of the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ project and development of joint research activities. At the top of the list was a progress review, followed by the budget, governance, and work programme for the coming year.
The Annual Meeting also included parallel meetings and sessions for the Alliance’s five working groups: in Education, Mobility, Communications, Students and Support. On Monday afternoon, in the Grand Salon at the Sorbonne, European and national representatives, as well as Associated Partners, got acquainted witht he last year activities of 4EU+.
The 4EU+ Alliance Rectors welcomed everyone in their mother tongue and English. It underlined the multilingual and multicultural aspects important for 4EU+. The meeting was attended by Anne-Sophie Barthez, Director General for Higher Education and Employability at the French Ministry of Higher Education, Petr Drulák, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to France, Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, Ambassador of Germany to France, Michael Starbæk Christensen, Ambassador of Denmark to France, and Tomasz Młynarski, Ambassador of Poland to France.
Prof. Antonella Baldi, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation from the University of Milan, presented the 4EU+ progress report. Prof. Milena Kralickova, Vice-Rector for Education from Charles University, gave a presentation on the kick of the 4EU+ EUN project.
The 4EU+ student representatives, as well as associated partners, shared their perspectives on the involvement in the 4EU+ activities.
Tuesday’s meetings focused on Flagship Programmes in development across the Alliance. The 4EU+ Flagship Programme Coordinators discussed research projects, and the future initiatives in which scientists and students will be involved.
More than 100 joint research, education and staff competence development project proposals have been put forward, with the majority of them being rooted in the 4EU+ Flagship Programmes.

The 2019 Annual Meeting was held on 21-22 October at Sorbonne University in Paris. Next year, it will take place in Prague.