The University of Warsaw Faculty of Management and the Baltic Sea Region University Network organize an international seminar entitled “Higher Education in Poland after the Reform”. The event will be held on 28th May at the UW Faculty of Management.
The University of Warsaw is a member of the Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) which was established in 2000 to strengthen the cooperation between HEIs, municipal and regional authorities in the Baltic Sea region. The network consists of 26 member-institutions in Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia.
On 28th May, UW and BSRUN organize the seminar on Higher Education in Poland after the reform. It will be devoted to current issues, including:
- the internationalization of Polish higher education;
- the development of students’ and researchers’ mobility;
- the exchange of research experience.
The seminar will present important changes that affect universities as well as ways and directions to reforming them further. Both Polish and international speakers will share their experience in the reforms of the system of higher education.
In order to take part in the seminar, please fill in a registration form. The deadline for registering: 23rd May.
The seminar will take place on 28th May at the UW Faculty of Management (1/3 Szturmowa Street, Warsaw).