The registration for the first and long-cycle studies, as well as selected second-cycle programmes at the University of Warsaw has been closed. Results of the admission process will be launched on 22nd July.

Admissions to studies at the University of Warsaw are granted to those candidates who meet the qualification threshold specific to their chosen programme and who get within the designated seat limits. This year’s admission process ran from 6th June to 10th July. Candidates were offered a choice of over 300 study programmes.


The admissions’ results will be announced on 22nd July. The qualification results will be available at a candidate’s personal account in the Internet Recruitment of Candidates system (PL: Internetowa Rekrutacja Kandydatów; IRK).


Submission of documents

Due to the information provided on their personal IRK system account, the qualified candidates have three days to submit their documents to a given faculty recruitment committee. The papers should be delivered between 23rd and 25th July. In subsequent rounds, documents can be submitted on 26th and 29th July, and between 30th and 31st July. Admission timelines and rules can be found at, in the description of  a chosen degree programme.


In the place of an accepted candidate who does not submit their documents in time, another person ranked on the reserve list will be accepted.


Another round of the admission process can be started if a ranking list has not been fulfilled. Additional rounds usually start in August and September.


Entry examinations

Results on the matura examinations are considered in the admission for the first-cycle and long-cycle programmes. Additional entry examinations are conducted for such study programmes as below:

  • Architektura przestrzeni informacyjnych (in Polish),
  • Individual interdisciplinary studies at the College of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (in Polish),
  • Logopedia ogólna i kliniczna (in Polish),
  • Psychology (in English),
  • Publikowanie współczesne (in Polish).

Dates of examinations and/or interviews, including those testing the command of a foreign language, are provided in the description of each study programme in the Appendix No. 4 to the Resolution No. 269 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw, dated 24th May 2023 (in Polish).


The admission statistics, i.e. applications, qualification thresholds in the previous years, can be found at the Admissions Office’s website.