We are publishing the Resolution of the University Council of the University of Warsaw regarding the expression of the University Council’s position on the recent events related to the escalation of the protests at the University of Warsaw’s campus.

In light of the recent events and the escalation of the protests at the UW campus, the University Council wishes to express its support for the actions of His Magnificence the Rector aimed at alleviating the situation, restoring order, and ensuring the safety of all members of the academic community.


The University of Warsaw is a place where freedom of speech and the right to protest are valued. However, the expression of views and opinions should not violate the rights of others or lead to destruction, regardless of the underlying issues that evoke strong emotions.


We call for calm, mutual respect, and dialogue in the spirit of the democratic values that guide our University community.


We believe that through constructive discussions, it is possible to find solutions acceptable to all parties.

The resolution is published in the UW Monitor (in Polish and English).