What do we know about contemporary conflicts? Where do we learn about them from? What role does the university play today in discussions at the intersection of politics, economics and ethics? These questions will be addressed by the participants of the “Wielogłos: seminarium bliskowschodnie UW” (ENG: “Polyphony: Middle East Seminar at UW”) meetings a new series of academic debates on the socio-political situation in south-west Asia and north-east Africa. The meetings will take place in March and April.

The seminar series “Polyphony: Middle East seminar at UW” is a joint initiative of the UW faculties of: Oriental Studies, Political Science and International Studies, Sociology, Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation, as well as Psychology, coordinated by Prof. Julia Kubisa, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology.


Participants in the seminars will reflect on the role of universities and science in the debate on the problems of the contemporary world in a Middle Eastern context. Speakers will discuss the possibilities for a broad debate that takes into account different scientific perspectives, as well as the potential for developing good practices in ethical decision-making.


The seminars will be held at the Faculty of Sociology at Karowa 18 in Warsaw (room 18).


On 18th February, the opening lecture entitled „Geneza i ewolucja konfliktu izraelsko-palestyńskiego” was held. Dr Wiesław Lizak from the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies presented the determinants and consequences of the Middle East conflict.


On 15th April at 4 p.m., a discussion “Bojkot, wsparcie, debata – uniwersytet wobec wyzwań etycznych” will take place, during which participants will discuss the idea of academic boycotts and ethical challenges related to cooperation with the external environment. Participants in the discussion will include Prof. Michał Bilewicz from the Faculty of Psychology and Dr Marta Rawłuszko from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation. The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Julia Kubisa from the Faculty of Sociology and Prof. Mikołaj Pawlak from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation.


The other seminars in March and April:

  • 11th March, „Dwugłos: literatura palestyńska, konflikt bliskowschodni w literaturze hebrajskiej”: a talk by Dr Magdalena Kubarek and Dr Anna Piątek from the Faculty of Oriental Studies;
  • 25th March, „Wieczna klątwa! Czy rzeczywiście konflikt izraelsko-palestyński jest nierozwiązywalny?”  – a debate following on from articles by Daniel Bar-Tal and Amal Jamal, moderated by Prof. Jacek Raciborski from the Faculty of Sociology;
  • 8th April, „Wspólne, oddolne inicjatywy izraelsko-palestyńskie” , a seminar led by Dr Angelika Adamczyk from the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

The topics and dates of the May and June seminars will be announced at a later date.