On 29th May, the UW Rector met with representatives of Atatürk University in Erzurum. The main topic of the discussion was a bilateral collaboration in the area of academic mobility.

On 29th May, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the Rector of the University of Warsaw, hosted a delegation from Atatürk Unviersity in Erzurum. The city is one of the most important academic centres of eastern Türkiye. Atatürk University was represented by its Rector, Prof. Dr Ömer Çomakli, who was accompanied by Prof. Dr Taşkın Öztaş and Pınar Uçak from the Office of International Affairs.


“Our experience of cooperation with Türkiye universities so far has been very good. Many of our employees are interested in teaching there,” emphasised Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector.


The discussion focused on the establishment of the academic cooperation between the University of Warsaw and Atatürk University. During the meeting, the issue of student and staff exchange was raised, as well as the implementation of joint projects.