Dr. Marcin Pilipczuk from the Institute of Informatics jointed the group of ERC grant holders who carry out research on algorithms.

Dr. Marcin Pilipczuk is the forth algorithms researcher from the University of Warsaw who received a grant of the European Research Council. This organization supports projects of talented scientists. ERC Starting Grants are designed to encourage young research leaders to gain independence in Europe and to build their own careers. Their projects lead to crucial research that enlarge knowledge about the world.


Algorithm is some kind of mathematical pattern that can be turned into a computer program. Classic examples are well-studied algorithms for finding shortest paths, that are now widely used in such applications as Google Maps or jakdojade.pl to travel by car or public transport.


Pilipczuk’s research project lies between discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. The goal is to show various combinatorial properties of mathematical models and then use them to develop new efficient algorithms.  The main focus is on structural properties of networks, such as road or computer networks, and their applications in algorithms for connectivity and cut problems, such as the problem of finding the shortest (cheapest) subnetwork connecting selected nodes in a large computer network.


Dr. Marcin Pilipczuk is associated with the UW for many years. He graduated Double Degree Program in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Warsaw. In 2007, he won the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in Tokyo – together with Dr. Marek Cygan who received ERC Starting Grant last year. Both scientists work at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. Marcin Pilipczuk was a scholarship holder of programmes, such as Nowoczesny Uniwersytet or Doktoraty dla Mazowsza. Computer scientist worked at the University of Warwick, the University of Bergen and the Simons Institute for Theory of Computing in Berkeley. In this month Dr. Pilipczuk received a Homing grant given by the Foundation for Polish Science.