The University of Warsaw has become a partner in the “Scholars of the Future” project led by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD). The initiative concerns testing the possibilities offered by the project-based learning model.

On 13th May, Prof. Ewa Krogulec, the UW Vice-Rector for Development, signed an agreement, in which the University of Warsaw became one of the twelve partners of the National Centre for Research and Development in the “Universities of the Future” project.


The project involves testing solutions for education founded on the project-based learning model and verifying the possibility of its widespread application in higher education. In this model, students acquire knowledge by completing specific tasks on their own.


The aim of the project is to individualise teaching based on solving practical problems, creating innovative solutions, including social innovations, and adapting educational methods to the diverse needs and interests of students.


This pathway will be tested as an alternative to the traditional approach to education. The “Universities of the Future” is simultaneously a project which aims to develop new methods of cooperation with the socio-economic environment in the education process.


Participation in the project will also contribute to:

  • development of the University’s potential in terms of educating key competences of students,
  • broadening the educational offer of the University,
  • development of competences of the academic employees in terms of diagnosing students’ competences concerning individual work and their needs for mentoring support.

The project is implemented under Measure 5.1 Social Innovation of the European Funds for Social Development programme (FERS ESF + 2021–2027). It will be led by the UW’s Office for Innovation in Teaching and Learning and will last from 2024 to 2028.


Information on the project is available on the NCRD website: UCZELNIE PRZYSZŁOŚCI –Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju – Portal (