The University of Warsaw maintains its position as a leader in Poland among scientific institutions that are beneficiaries of the European Union Framework Programme “Horizon Europe”. Researchers from the UW participate in the implementation of 89 projects. The UW has received more than EUR 44.4 million from the programme.

“Horizon Europe” (HE) is the largest programme in the history of the European Union to support research and innovation. Its budget for 2021–2027 is more than €95 billion.


The National Contact Point (NCP) at the National Centre for Research and Development provides ongoing data on the participation of individual institutions in HE projects. According to the latest data provided by the European Commission, the University of Warsaw remains the national leader in terms of the number of grant agreements signed in HE and coordination.

Participation of the UW in the EU FP “Horizon Europe”
  • participation in the implementation of 89 funded projects;
  • coordination of 23 funded projects;
  • more than EUR 44.4 million net funding received.
ERC grants

Among Horizon Europe projects (formerly Horizon 2020), European Research Council (ERC) grants are particularly prestigious. The ERC supports outstanding, cutting-edge research projects (frontier research). Researchers from more than 30 countries, not only in Europe, take part in the competitions.


To date, the ERC has awarded grants to researchers from the UW 35 times and once to a researcher from abroad who will be implementing his grant at the university. Support is awarded in five categories: ERC Starting Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant, ERC Advanced Grant, ERC Proof of Concept Grant and ERC Synergy Grant.


European Research Council Grants