Choosing the right words is of particular importance in an academic discourse. On 25th September, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector, launched the “Mind your words. Hate hurts” campaign. The initiative was prepared by UW students and the Academic Ombudsman.

The University of Warsaw is a community of dialogue which regards interpersonal respect as one of its highest values. At our University, there is no place for discrimination based on any factor: national, ethnic, religious or worldview. As UW members, we should respect everyone’s personal dignity, to which we are obliged by the mission of the University,” Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector, said.

The campaign “Mind your words. Hate hurts” was launched on 25th September during a session of the UW Senate.


Against hate

During the previous academic year, a group of UW students proposed an informational and educational action, which aimed to send a clear message: there is no place for hate and hate speech at the University of Warsaw. In response to the initiative, the campaign “Mind your words. Hate hurts”, coordinated by the Office of the Academic Ombudsman for Student and Employee Affairs, was launched.


In this way, we would like to draw attention to the importance of word choice in academic discourse. Hate and hate speech, particularly in the era of intense development of social media, can be encountered by any of us, no matter who we are or what we do. Hateful comments do not only cause suffering and psychological damage to the person experiencing hate but also escalate frustration in public spaces. Let us remember that even if we have different opinions, we should refer to each other with respect, without personal attacks,” said Dr Anna Cybulko, the UW’s Academic Ombudsman for Student and Employee Affairs from 2011 to 2024.

As part of the campaign, a series of posters, videos, and brochures has been prepared, which underlines the fact that every person who has experienced or witnessed hate speech can find support at the University. The materials are available through UW informational channels. The campaign is one of the University’s efforts to promote equal treatment and academic values such as mutual respect and ethics of speech.


“The University of Warsaw is our common space and we are all responsible for good dialogue and proper communication. We should react not only when we are the victims of hate but also witnesses,” emphasised Dr Anna Cybulko, listing institutions, which serve to support in such cases:

  • the Academic Ombudsman for Student and Employee Affairs: ombudsman(at),
  • the Student Ombudsman: rps(at),
  • the Coordinators for Counteracting Unequal Treatment, Discrimination, Bullying and Other Undesirable Behavior: zespolkoordynatorow(at),
  • Rector’s Commissions for Unequal Treatment and Discrimination, and for Bullying and Other Undesirable Behavior.

All members of the academic community, including students, doctoral candidates and employees, can receive professional support also from the Psychological and Counselling Services Centre and via the UW Helpline: 22 552 44 24.


The University is actively working to promote dialogue and equal treatment. In February 2024, a new ordinance by the Rector Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak went into effect, which comprehensively regulates issues concerning the prevention of unacceptable behaviour at the UW, including discrimination, sexual harassment, unequal treatment, bullying and other undesirable behaviour.

The authors of the campaign prepared a dedicated website:

The readers can find there:

  • a description of the project,
  • definitions of hate and hate speech,
  • information regarding support institutions at the UW,
  • educational materials,
  • ways to report hate and hate speech at the UW.