University of Warsaw Erasmus / Exchange / Visiting Students

Erasmus / Exchange / Visiting Students


The University of Warsaw offers people from abroad both degree programmes (2, 3 and 5-year programmes) and short-term programmes, e.g. lasting one semester or one year. The offer of short stays is directed also to academic teachers and university administration staff. Some programmes are aimed at selected groups – citizens of certain countries or parts of the world – while others are open to everyone.


Bilateral agreements

The academic exchange at the University of Warsaw (students, doctoral candidates and employees) is organised, among others, under bilateral agreements between two universities.


The university has worked together with over 380 international entities from 74 countries under direct bilateral cooperation agreements (in 2023, 112 agreements were concluded and/or renewed).


If you are interested in completing a part of your course at the UW, you have to verify whether your home university has a cooperation agreement with the University of Warsaw in place and whether this agreement covers the exchange within the frame of your curriculum.


Erasmus+ Programme

Until 2013, the exchange of students, doctoral students and employees of the University of Warsaw was effected within the frames of Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus programmes. The latter promoted academic exchange between the European universities and those from other continents. In 2014, a new programme was introduced – Erasmus+, replacing all previous programmes. The University of Warsaw has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for 2021-2027 from the European Commission.


Visiting Student Programme

The Visiting Student Programme is not limited to any country or region. It is open to everyone.


Governmental agreements and state programmes 

If you are interested in a scholarship, you may check the information about open calls for application on the websites of institutions coordinating the exchange programmes, as well as on the site of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.


Selected scholarship programmes:


Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – a programme directed both to Polish and German students, alumni and scientists, who can participate, among others, in the exchange between the countries, language courses and research projects.


Central European Exchange Program for University Studies – a programme supporting joint operation of universities from: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and UNMIK-Kosovo.


Polish-American Fulbright Commission – programmes are available to US citizens interested in doctoral courses and US scientists who have the occasion to visit the University of Warsaw and take part in research projects in many fields of knowledge, or to give lectures.


International Visegrad Fund – scholarships are granted for one academic year (subject to prolongation). They allow the citizens of Central Europe, among others Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians to participate in joint projects, both scientific and cultural, as well as take part in international student exchanges.

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