Kick-off meeting of the “4EU+ for Ukraine II” project


On 25th-26th April, a kick-off meeting of the “4EU+ for Ukraine II” project took place at the University of Warsaw. The project concerns the collaboration of the 4EU+ Alliance with three partner institutions from Ukraine: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

The “4EU+ for Ukraine II” project is funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The allocated funds will enable educational and development initiatives that are complementary to 4EU+ activities. Detailed information about the project >>


On 25th-26th April, representatives of Ukrainian partner universities and the 4EU+ member universities gathered at the University of Warsaw to discuss the scope of their cooperation. The event was opened by Prof. Sambor Grucza, the UW Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources.


The meeting was attended by the representatives of the UW units, including the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Department of Applied Linguistics, Department of Intercultural Studies in Central and Eastern Europe, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, Faculty of Law and Administration, Faculty of Management, and the Centre of Migration Research.


On 26th April, Dr Colin Lewis from the UW’s Faculty of Management conducted a workshop entitled AI: practical hands-on learning of Large Language Models, AI tools and outline of ethics. Where we are and where we are heading.


The “4EU+ for Ukraine II” project is coordinated by the University of Warsaw (the International Relations Office in cooperation with the 4EU+ Office at the UW). Its implementation will continue until 31st December.