The University of Warsaw Strategy for 2023-2032


On 29th June, the Senate of the University of Warsaw adopted the UW Strategy for 2023-2032. The document is the result of extensive consultation with academic community. It contains development objectives regarding teaching, research, management and work environment.

The UW Strategy presents strategic and operational objectives of the University of Warsaw for the next 10 years. They are embedded in the four pillars of the University’s activities (comprehensive teaching, research excellence, responsible university management and infrastructure development, friendly and activating working environment). The objectives have been arranged according to the most important contexts arising from the current challenges and opportunities facing the University, including social impact, responsibility and internal processes, digitalisation, community building and internationalisation.


“I believe that the Strategy will ensure the optimal development of the University and the necessary changes in the coming decade. I hope that we will pursue it together with conviction and commitment. We are and want to be an institution that prides itself on its academic traditions, the great scientific heritage of the University, and a University with a strong sense of uniqueness. A University that can also care about what is unique and specific to us. I do hope that our new Strategy will become a tool which will contribute to the improvement of the conditions for providing outstanding and ground-breaking research, as well as to the strengthening of teaching excellence. We wish to build the University as an open, pioneering but responsible academic community with its foundation built on independence, commitment, courage of thought, tolerance, as well as on respect and dialogue,” Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector, writes in the introduction to the document.


“In view of the complexity and scale of operations of a major university of this size, as well as the dynamics of change in today’s world and environment, the development of the University of Warsaw requires a vision of a university that is innovative, ambitious, striving for excellence, open to change and dialogue, and promoting attitudes of responsibility. For this vision to become a reality, the UW plans to strengthen capacity development in the areas of university education, research excellence, responsible university management, as well as working environment processes. The University will also address new challenges arising from the need to protect the climate, the Sustainable Development Goals and many other topics,” Prof. Ewa Krogulec, the UW Vice-Rector for Development, underlines.

Objectives of the University of Warsaw

I Pillar: Comprehensive teaching

  • By nurturing talents and attitudes, we change the world
  • Modern education – focusing on dialogue and participation
  • Digital innovation in education
  • From master – student relationship to an academic community of values
  • Exploring and inspiring – international educational exchange


II Pillar: Research excellence

  • Courage and scientific truth
  • Improving research support processes as a route to research excellence
  • Digital maturity in scientific activities
  • Interdisciplinarity of research – community of research activities and practices
  • University as a significant research partner in the international environment


III Pillar: Responsible university management and infrastructure development

  • Strengthening the authority of the University – towards greater openness, cooperation and commitment
  • Responsibility and efficiency at the heart of the University performance culture
  • Developing a digital organisation to strengthen cohesion and governance
  • The University integrated around common values
  • Supporting the internationalisation of the University as an impulse for development


IV Pillar: Friendly and activating work environment

  • Strengthening the ethos of the academic teacher
  • The University of Warsaw as a friendly employer
  • Digital transformation and the work environment
  • A supportive, collaborative and responsible academic community
  • Professional development through international mobility
Implementation of the Strategy

In order to operationalise and continuously update the objectives and targets listed in the document, a detailed Implementation Plan will be developed. The Strategy document formulates exemplary indicators by means of which the achievement of the objectives in each pillar will be monitored and measured in the following years.


The implementation of the Plan will take place with the participation of the entire University community.