Talking about Ukraine


The University of Warsaw coordinates the “4EU+ for Ukraine” project again. Thanks to the project, educational and development activities complementary to the 4EU+ initiatives are being implemented. The conference “European Narratives and Identity: Ukraine – A New Perspective” is one of them. The event will take place on 25th-26th June in Paris. The deadline for submitting applications is 10th May.

The University of Warsaw has received PLN685 580 from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the “4EU+ for Ukraine” project, which aims at strengthening and enhancing cooperation between the 4EU+ Alliance and three partner institutions from Ukraine: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


In April, the kick-off meeting of the “4EU+ for Ukraine II” project was held at the University of Warsaw. More information is available here >>


Ukraine – a new perspective

The conference “European Narratives and Identity: Ukraine – A New Perspective” is organised as part of the second edition of the “4EU+ for Ukraine” project. The event will take place on 25th-26th June in Paris.


The event is open to academics and doctoral candidates from 4EU+ member universities, including the UW, and three partner universities from Ukraine.


To participate in the conference, an abstract of the proposed paper (max. 150 words) should be submitted via 4euplus_forukraine(at) by 10th May.


More information about the event is available on the 4EU+ website.