Summary of ZIP at UW


9,159 beneficiaries, 50 involved organisational units, 150 didactic projects, 1,450 events – these numbers sum up the University’s Integrated Development Programme. The initiative, which was completed on 31st December 2023, has been one of the biggest comprehensive programmes of the University of Warsaw to improve the quality of education and strengthen skills and competencies of the employees and students.

The University of Warsaw’s Integrated Development Programme (PL: Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju; ZIP) facilitated working together within the academic community in favour of the development of education. The ZIP was carried out over six years, from 2nd April 2018 to 31st December 2023. The undertaken initiatives were available to students, doctoral candidates, academic teachers, and administration staff of the University of Warsaw.


Better programmes, tools and competencies

The budget of the ZIP amounted to PLN41.2 million. The programme involved 9,159 participants, including 5,368 students, 894 doctoral candidates, and 2,897 academics and administration staff. Approximately 1,000 employees from fifty organisational units of the UW were engaged in the programme to carry out 150 didactic projects and 1,450 events.

Through its organisation and funding, the programme integrated the academic community in a number of compelling initiatives and projects in education. Simultaneously, the outstanding results of the programme contribute to individual achievements of each member of our academic community.


Professor Alojzy Z. Nowak, the Rector of the University of Warsaw

The main aims of the programme included the implementation of the integrated initiatives into the educational development of the University. They led to the enhancement of the quality of education by:

  • adapting the study programmes to the needs of the economy, labour market and society,
  • strengthening those students’ competencies that are essential on the labour market,
  • improving doctoral education programmes,
  • fostering the internationalisation of the education at the UW;
  • developing IT tools,
  • upgrading competencies of the UW staff.


The accomplished results are described in Kalejdoskop Programu ZIP, edited by the ZIP team.


Under the ZIP, study programmes were launched to foster interdisciplinary research projects as well as new programmes that are conducted entirely in English. The ZIP projects also supported IT, e.g. a SAD (PL: System Analizy Danych) browser for searching didactic data. Further, the ZIP offered the UW staff and students a variety of soft skills workshops and trainings in the fields of IT, analytics, and business.

ZIP in numbers
  • duration: 2018–2023
  • budget: PLN41,239,759.83
  • beneficiaries: 9,159, including 5,368 students, 894 doctoral candidates, and 2,897 University employees
  • 1,000 people engaged in the organisation of the projects
  • 150 didactic projects
  • 1,450 events


A selection of the projects under the ZIP programme is described (in Polish) in  Kalejdoskop Programu ZIP >>