The adjusted academic schedule, conducting remote exams, and online thesis defence are only a few examples of subjects raised during an online meeting with the UW Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika.
More than 250 questions regarding teaching and learning at the University of Warsaw and student matters had been sent by members of the UW community before the meeting. During the two-hour Q&A session, Prof. Choińska-Mika informed about the way of dealing with various aspects of education in the coming months. She underlined that safety remains a priority for UW. If there is a possibility to move classes, exams and other activities online, we all should follow this to limit unnecessary transportation and congregation of people. The Vice-Rector also acknowledged an effort of both academics and students in conducting good quality online classes.
The academic schedule
The exam session has been extended until 23rd August and divided into 3 blocks, lasting the same amount of days. Take a look at the adjusted timetable >> The UW Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching ensured that the university authorities made it possible to individualise the examination session department by department. The majority of units opt for the first and second block of the exam session. However, the situation varies from department to department. One should follow the information posted on an individual website of a unit.
The 2020/2021 academic year is being prepared to be on-site teaching and learning. However, it all depends on the situation due to coronavirus.
Remote examinations and certification of language skills
It is possible and recommended to conduct online exams. However, it is essential to reach a consensus on that. When there is a case of digital exclusion, students or doctoral candidates cannot participate in a given activity, lecturers should attempt to find an appropriate solution and be flexible. All UW academic teachers and students have their Google email accounts, therefore it is possible to use, e.g. Google Meet.
However, there are also practical classes, being part of curricula, that will have to be conducted on-site, e.g. laboratory classes.
On 25th May, there will be detailed instructions on conducting language exams, that certify language skills.
Admissions process
The UW timetable is adjusted to the changing situation. The phase of admissions for BA studies is extended. August and September constitute two months when the admissions will be conducted. The University of Warsaw will move deadlines, so BA and MA students will have an opportunity to defend their theses, submit their applications, and become students or doctoral candidates of UW.
Residence halls
Those who live in the UW residence halls will pay the reduced accommodation fee. If you face financial problems due to the coronavirus, please not that you can apply for special grants. More information >>
In case of any difficulties, please contact the head of your unit or deputy dean for student affairs. If you need psychological support, feel free to contact the UW Psychological Counselling Centre. More information >>
Watch the simultaneous interpretation of the meeting that was held on 14th May on the University of Warsaw YouTube channel.