Polish Personal Income Taxes for International Employees – online course


Each year until 30th April, all employees who have worked in Poland in the previous year, have to submit their annual personal income tax declarations (PIT) to the fiscal authorities. The Welcome Point offers the course for the UW international employees on how to settle their personal income tax in Poland.

The international employees at the University of Warsaw can take part in the short online course to help them calculate their tax declaration in Poland. The course content deals with various approach to tax calculations due to different employment agreements with the University.

During the course the participants will:


  • find out what the income tax obligations in Poland are;
  • learn methods of calculating personal income tax due;
  • practise filling in required tax returns;
  • exchange experiences on the subject of income taxation in Poland.

The meeting will be carried out on 24th March, between 14:00 and 15:30 via the Zoom. The prior registration for the course is open from 14th to 20th March via the Kampus Platform >>.


More information is provided on the Welcome Point website >>.

Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employees to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) Programme at the University of Warsaw.