Pink Boxes in UW


The University of Warsaw takes part in the nationwide campaign against period poverty. The so called ”Pink Boxes” are installed in a number of UW sites. Each box is equipped with free sanitary products for any girl, woman and person who menstruate. The action is co-organised with the Pink Box Foundation.

Period poverty is scarcely discussed in public. The recent research by Kulczyk Foundation shows that nearly 500,000 Polish women cannot afford sanitary pads and tampons. They often exposed to domestic violence, lost their job, divorced or conflicted with their parents, or are single parents.


“The Pink Box project is aimed to provide an extra support to women. It works as an emergency for those who do not have sanitary items. The project should help female students and employees to study and work in the University, as well as it should increase their psychological comfort there. Also, it should support those who struggle to buy sanitary items. The fact that UW got involved in the campaign is a sheer sign to the academic community that our University takes care about those who study and work here,” said Prof. Kubisa, a UW coordinator of the campaign.


An access to free period products in public places as well as knowledge of menstruation among adolescents are the main goal of the Pink Box Foundation. The project has also been joined by the University of Warsaw. Forty-five pink boxes can be found in various UW buildings like faculty buildings of: Journalism, Information and Book Studies, Geography and Regional Studies, Polish Studies, Psychology, or a former building of UW Library, a building of Auditorium Maximum and a building of the UW Centre for Cooperation and Dialogue. The places with pink boxes are marked with a special sticker bearing the project logo.


Take for yourself or leave for others

The pink boxes were bought by the University while the cost of the products inside was covered by Akcja Menstruacja Foundation. According to the initiative ”Take for yourself when in need or leave the excess for others” –  menstrual products are provided to anyone in need, free of charge.


The first pink box was installed in the Women’s Rights Centre in Wrocław, in 2019. Next year 70 pink boxes were placed whereas now there are as many as 3,000 boxes in Polish public buildings like schools, universities, residence halls, hospitals, libraries and theatres.

UW academic and administrative units to join the Pink Box project please email your application: