Open letter from employees of Kazimierzowski Palace regarding protests on the UW campus


We are publishing an open letter from the employees of the Kazimierzowski Palace regarding the protests on the University of Warsaw’s campus.

14th June 2024



As the employees of the Kazimierzowski Palace, who were eyewitnesses of the aggression from the protesters, were even held captive and suffered from their physical and verbal attacks, on 12th June, we express our profound support for the actions aimed at restoring order at the University of Warsaw.


Until now, the University was a friendly and safe place, a good work environment. None of us ever imagined that we would be exposed to aggressive behaviour that was unacceptable and infringing on our freedom and integrity. Fear, terror, apprehension, tears, and questions about what could happen and when we would be released – we have experienced all of these, and today we express our astonishment that anyone could ever justify such aggression. We are aghast that someone, who does not realise what was happening inside the Rectorate building, negatively assesses the police intervention and the restoration of order.


We were those first to require decisive intervention. We wished for that nightmare to end. We wanted to return to our families, pick our children from kindergartens and schools. We advocated for calling the police.


We fully support the Rector’s decision, understanding that it was not easy and resulted in a media and political uproar. We are thankful that the focus was on the safety of the ones in danger rather than on the media consequences.



Employees of the Kazimierzowski Palace