On the meaning of life in “Read with the UW”


“This book is a collection of beautiful and deep conversations with wise people. Justyna Dąbrowska holds talks carefully and sensitively,” in these words, Katarzyna Basisty, the Coordinator of the Welcome Point team, describes the book ‘Love is Worth the Effort. Conversations with the masters’ in the next – last in this edition – episode of “Read with the UW.”

Katarzyna Basisty graduated from the University of Wrocław, where she obtained a Master’s degree in sociology and completed Bachelor’s studies in international relations. She has been working at the University of Warsaw since 2013 and has served as the Coordinator of the Welcome Point team right from its beginnings (currently part of the Office for Academic and Student Affairs). Basisty also collaborates with the POLONICUM Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, where she teaches Polish as a foreign language.


One of the greatest interests of Katarzyna Basisty is learning other cultures. She is also a cycling enthusiast and follower of international politics.


Justyna Dąbrowska, a psychotherapist and journalist, interviewed people of culture, scientists and philosophers. They talked about life, its meaning and passing, in other words, all that is important in life.


“These conversations concern fundamental issues. They are honest and unhurried. The interviewees could offer many people the benefit of their experience,” Katarzyna Basisty, the coordinator of the Welcome Point UW, said.


Among twenty-four interlocutors there are such famous figures as Zygmunt Bauman, Joanna Gomułka, Ryszard Horowitz, Kazimierz Kutz, Karol Modzelewski, Tadeusz Rolke and Danuta Szaflarska.


“What do they have in common? An advanced age,” said Katarzyna Basisty and added: “From our point of view, it is interesting that many of these people were associated with the University of Warsaw.”


Interlocutors from UW

In this book one can find an interesting conversation with Piotr Matywiecki – a writer, essayist, and a long-time employee of the University of Warsaw Library. He said that “in life, the most important thing is one’s own inner authenticity. You have to fight for the rest of your life against every self-deception, every illusion, most of all illusions about yourself.”


Prof. Hanna Świda-Ziemba, a sociologist also associated with the University, said: “What is important in life is a comprehending interaction between people. It does not mean the same thing as compliant, but the point is that there should be an exchange of ideas. This can be carried out through books, media, but also a conversation and mutual help in case of illness or troubles.” According to Prof. Świda-Ziemba, this is the source of happiness.


The work includes a conversation with Prof. Karol Modzelewski, whose book We’ll Ride the Mare of History to the Ground: Confessions of a Bruised Rider was recommended in one of the previous episodes of this cycle.


“This collection is absolutely exceptional and stays in one’s memory. I return to this book every few years and it lifts my spirits,” Katarzyna Basisty said, adding: “It is an excellent example of a workshop for journalists and a beautiful compendium of life for readers.”


The book Love is Worth the Effort. Conversations with the masters can be found at the University of Warsaw Library in open access in the Auxiliary Sciences of History section.


All episodes of the “Read with the UW” series are available on the University’s YouTube channel.