Meetings on legal issues concerning residence in Poland


Welcome Point is organising two meetings on legal issues concerning residence in Poland for all international students and doctoral candidates. The meetings will be held online on 11th December (session in English) and 17th December (session in Polish).

All international students and doctoral candidates can take part in sessions on legal issues concerning residence in Poland. The meetings will be led by Dr Łukasz Wieczorek, a specialist and legalisation of stay coordinator at the Welcome Point team.


The sessions will be held online on 11th December (session in English) and 17th December (session in Polish), both at 2 pm.


Participants will have an opportunity to discuss the following issues:


  • legalisation of residence in Poland (visa, permanent residence permit);
  • the application procedure for a residence permit;
  • rights of individuals with Polish descent or holding the Pole’s Card.

Registration is required. The registration form >>


It will be open until 10th December (for the English session) and 13th December (for the Polish session).


More information can be found at


The workshop is co-funded by The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), within the framework of the “Welcome to Poland” programme.