European Union of the past and future


On 13th June, a debate on the European Union was held at the Kazimierzowski Palace, in the Senate Hall of the University of Warsaw. Representatives of the academic environment, politics, the Church, and business organisations met to mark the 20th anniversary of Poland joining the EU.

The debate organised by the UW’s Faculty of „Artes Liberales” and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation was held under the auspices of the Rector of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak. The Rector was also one of the panellists during the event.


“Integration with the European Union has changed all areas of our life, political, social and economic. Looking back, we can see what a beneficial decision it was, also for higher education and the University of Warsaw. European universities have opened their doors to our students and academics, who have then returned to the country with new experiences and ideas. UW researchers are successfully profiting from EU grants, and the University is developing its infrastructure using EU funds as well,” the UW Rector emphasised during the debate.


The event was attended by the representatives of the world of politics, science, business and the Church. They discussed Poland’s accession to the European structures as well as the economic and social changes associated with the integration and Poland’s future in the EU. The current challenges for the union were also mentioned. Among the panellists were: Hanna Suchocka, a Polish Prime Minister from 1992 to 1993, Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Roland Freudenstein, a representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and Prof. Piotr Wilczek, Polish Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who is also an employee of the Faculty of „Artes Liberales”.