Concept of Prudence


On 4th December Dr. Matthias Roick from the Göttingen University will be speaking about Giovanni Pontano and the Renaissance concept of prudence.


“De prudenta” is a treaty of Giovanni Pontano. However, it has been perceived by scholars of Renaissance humanism as „backward“ in relation to Machiavelli’s „forward looking“ conception of prudence, on account of its Aristotelian“ character.


The scholar will try to explain that Giovanni Pontano’s concept can be recognized as a humanist rewriting of Aristotelian moral and political thought.


The meeting is organized by the Faculty “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It is a part of a seminar entitled “Men and Ideas in the Renaissance”.


Dr. Matthias Roick is a Freigeist Fellow for the History of Ethics at the Faculty of Theology in Göttingen and at the Lichtenberg Kolleg, Göttingen’s Institute for Advanced Studies.


The meeting will take place on 4th December in the conference hall at the Faculty “Artes Liberales” (Nowy Świat 69).


More information are available on the website of “Artes Liberales”.