“Collegio Futuro” workshops for doctoral candidates


Doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw can take part in the “Collegio Futuro: A college for designers of a sustainable European future”. The deadline for submitting applications is 25th November.

“Collegio Futuro is a joint interdiscoplinary doctoral college of 4EU+ member universities that aims to develop the elementary skills needed for future leaders to address environmental, social and economic challenges.


Doctoral candidates of five 4EU+ member universities: the University of Warsaw, Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University and the University of Milan can apply for the “Collegio Futuro: A college for designers of a sustainable European future” programme. It is open to doctoral candidates at all levels, conducting research in different disciplines (natural and life sciences, social sciences and economics, or cultural sciences).


The third edition of the programme includes two online workshops and a spring school to be held in Heidelberg in February.


Among the topics that will be discussed are:

  • Just transition;
  • Towards a sustainable aquaculture;
  • Ecosystem restoration on marginal land;
  • Adaptation of historic cities to climate change.

During the training, participants will work in multidisciplinary groups to develop solutions for hands-on environmental issues, gaining new skills regarding interdisciplinary communication, project-based learning and systematic thinking.


The application deadline is 25th November.


More information about “Collegio Futuro and a link to the application form are available on the Alliance 4EU+ website >>