Algorithms in the movie


Applications that run faster? Research team of doctor Marcin Pilipczuk will be working on algorithms leading to this solution. We present a video about the laureate of the ERC grant.


The European Research Council is the first pan-European funding body for frontier research that lead to important discoveries and crucial results.

Doctor Marcin Pilipczuk from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics is a computer scientists who received the European Research Council grant. Polish researchers got 24 grants – 13 of them belong to employees of the University of Warsaw.



The ERC Starting Grant of doctor Marcin Pilipczuk equals over EUR 1,2 million. It will found a project called „Cuts and decompositions: algorithms and combinatorial properties”. Computer scientist, together with his team, will be carrying out research for five years. The goal of the project is to show various combinatorial properties of mathematical models and to use them to develop new efficient algorithms. The main focus is on structural properties of networks, such as road or computer networks, and their applications in algorithms for connectivity and cut problems, such as the problem of finding the shortest (cheapest) subnetwork connecting selected nodes in a large computer network.


Dr Marcin graduated Double Degree Program in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Warsaw. In 2007, he won the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in Tokyo. Scientist was a scholarship holder of such programmes like Nowoczesny Uniwersytet or Doktoraty dla Mazowsza. Researcher worked at the University of Warwick, the University of Bergen and the Simons Institute for Theory of Computing in Berkeley.