Media disengagement


Agnieszka Wojtukiewcz, a doctoral candidate at the UW Doctoral School of Social Sciences, has been awarded a grant by the European Media Management Association. The researcher is analysing the phenomenon of media disengagement. 

The European Media Management Association (emma) is an international not-for-profit academic organisation that brings together professors, doctors, doctoral candidates, and experts in the fields of media management, media organisations, and media functioning. Anually, emma offers two grants for early career researchers: the Conference grant and the Summer school grant. The grantees are selected on the basis of their academic experience, previous scientific engagement, proposed research, and scientific achievements. Grant laureates have the opportunity to take part in emma’s annual conference, where they present their research work.


This year’s recipient of the grant is Agnieszka Wojtukiewcz, a doctoral candidate at the UW Doctoral School of Social Sciences. She is conducting research on news disengagement and ceasing media consumption.


“I am delighted to present results of my research and build relations that will be beneficial in the future. Participating in the international emma conference allows me to receive feedback from experienced international scholars and experts in the field of media management. This should have a positive impact on the quality of my dissertation. Such activities are a priority in the development of young researchers, and they facilitate networking and collaborative research efforts. This is a chance for me to learn about the research of other scientists and broaden my horizons in my discipline,” Agnieszka Wojtukiewicz said.