2024/2025 Doctoral Schools’ admissions


On 29th April, the registration was opened for the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Doctoral School of Humanities. The admissions procedure for the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School was carried out from 6th and 7th May. The registration is conducted via the IRK system.

There are four doctoral schools operating at the University of Warsaw: the Doctoral School of Humanities, the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. More than 1 500 doctoral candidates are currently studying there, preparing dissertations from 26 scientific disciplines.


The UW Doctoral School admissions are conducted electronically via the Internet Recruitment of Candidates (IRK) service in the following periods:

  • 29th April – 4th June – Doctoral School of Humanities and Doctoral School of Social Sciences;
  • 6th May – 17th June – Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences;
  • 7th May – 18th June – Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.

After the registration, the verification and assessment of candidates’ documents will begin. The next stage is exams (in the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences) and admissions interviews (in all schools). The first results of the recruitment will be available in late July/early August.


Scholarship to Start

The Scholarship to Start funded by the University of Warsaw is addressed to first year doctoral candidates at a doctoral school, who have achieved in the admissions procedure a point score that is in the top 20% of the results in a given discipline. The amount of the scholarship for the 2023/2024 academic year was PLN18 000 (paid as a one-time payment).


Doctoral scholarships

The doctoral candidate shall receive the doctoral scholarship during the period of education. The scholarship will amount to PLN4242 before the mid-term evaluation and 5340,90 after the mid-term evaluation. The total period of receiving the doctoral scholarship cannot exceed four years. The supplement for persons with disabilities amounts to PLN1040,07.



Finding a supervisor should precede the recruitment process to a doctoral school. Doctoral candidates can search through the database of the UW academics who are willing to perform the function of a doctoral dissertation supervisor.


Information for candidates

Admissions information is published on an ongoing basis on the University of Warsaw doctoral schools’ website. There is also information about the University of Warsaw’s offer for doctoral candidates, including social support, research funding opportunities, foreign travel, etc.


More information on specific doctoral schools can be found on their websites:

Online meetings

All four doctoral schools are organising meetings devoted to the admission rules: