Polish humanists in DARIAH-ERIC


On 6th November the largest Polish digital humanities consortium has joined DARIAH-ERIC. The University of Warsaw is a coordinator of Polish network.


Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH-ERIC) is an European network, aims to improve and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the humanities and arts. Polish network – DARIAH-PL consists of 18 Polish institutions has become a member of DARIH-ERIC. The General Assembly of an European network voted unanimously to accept Poland and Portugal applications.


– We are delighted to see Poland and Portugal finally become part of DARIAH – said Laurent Romary, the President of the Bord of Directors of DARIAH-EU.


In Polish consortium has formed working groups. One of them has a task to create advanced digital tools for archaeologists. Second group consists of literary scholars, will be working on digital text edition.


Members of particular national consortiums are the most important European institutions. Polish consortium is – next to German one – the largest national accord of European network.